Thanksgiving always brings lots of reflection. This year I seem to be reflecting on all those things that I have overcome. I am thankful for all the adversity I have encountered in my life. I am thankful for those situations that while in them; I thought I would not survive. But I stood my ground and became a stronger person for it. It was those situations that my values were tested and proven. I am grateful for every abandonment and broken heart; because I wasn’t looking for true friend or true love, but looking for a Savior.
I am grateful for being considered a “slow” learner; for now I have learned how to learn and pretty good at it. It gave me an appreciation for learning and teaching others. There’s only one other thing that gives me more pride than looking at my earned engineering degrees; that’s reflecting on those undergraduate students whom I taught via tutoring or in class.
I am thankful for having to go to a speech therapist at age 12 to finish learning how to talk; that has given me an appreciation for making my words count. When I speak publically I stand in awe of the power of God combined with a determined person to overcome their weaknesses.
I am grateful for every failed college course! The second time around forced me to try a new approach to learning.
I am thankful for hitting the lowest of lows at age 33, where I found myself jobless, carless and homeless; it was the experience that broke me and I resolved to find my destiny. My values became priceless and instilled a confidence no person can take.
I am grateful for every failure and mistake; it taught me that as long as you learned from it then there was no failure or mistake. It gave me courage to step out and fall on my face. Adversity, challenges and rejection have made me the woman I am today and I am thankful.
What are you thankful for?
Laurinda, thanks for your challenging post. I'm glad you can be thankful for those hard things in your life. I'm sure they make you a better leader and friend. Mike…