Happy New Year 2010

Inspiration Productivity

2009 was a great year for me.  I accomplished most of what I wanted to accomplish.  The things I didn’t accomplish were due to further research, I decided to change the goal.


This year I launched this blog in July.  I’ve been learning a lot about social media through the process. When I started I didn’t know a blog from a website.  I was asking questions like “RSS feeds what and how?” and   “Who’s SEO and what does she do?”  I’ve been busy learning that I haven’t put forth effort into good writing and content. This is going to change in 2010.

I worked out my goals and commitments for the blog in 2010.

  1. Increase subscriptions to 1000 (see Seth Godin’s article on First Organize 1000)
  2. 1000 unique hits per day
  3. Post 3 articles per week
  4. Participate in forums related to leadership and blogging

I worked on my first editorial calendar over the Christmas weekend.  I’m excited about the topics I’ve got planned for this blog.  I’m more excited about the interaction you!

Happy New Year!  May 2010 be full of blessings and success for you!