Google Calendar

Going Green with Time Management


One of my New Year’s resolutions was to stop using my Franklin Planner and go digital by the end of the year.  Amazingly enough, I was able to go digitial by the end of 1st quarter.  The first week of April, I traveled without my planner.  While I thought I would feel like Linus without his blanket, I didn’t miss it.   It is because most of the apps I use with my MacBook Pro have corresponding iPhone apps.  Here are the tools I’m using to manage my time and stay organized.

Google calendar

The major issue I had with going green is color coding.   With my Franklin Planner the different pen colors had a meaning.  In 1995 someone bought me a Palm Pilot and it’s bland green/black screen turned me off.  With Google Calendar you can create lots of calendars on the same calendar.

Create calendars for the major categories of events you schedule. Mine are

  • Personal
  • Tasks
  • Alaska Airlines (my job)
  • Writing
  • Working Out
  • US Holidays – pre created by Google. I select to show it.


I use Evernote tool for taking random notes. I no longer have to search through dates and try to remember what date I took notes on.  Once I bought a Mac, I downloaded the free desktop version.

The iPhone app will synch to your computer version.  I’m currently using the free version. You can upgrade to a paid version if you find you need more space. Randy Elrod’s daughter, Lauren, recently posted on his site the Top 5 Uses for Evernote.

I still carry a digital voice recorder in my purse to capture quick notes when I’m driving.


Things is software for Mac that allows you to create sto-do list that will synch with your iPhone app of the same name.  This is not free software nor is it a free app.  Although Evernote allows you to create to-do list, I find having a dedicated app for it helps me stay focused on my daily to-do.

What’s left for me to be completely green?  I’m looking into purchasing a scanner to rid myself of needing to carry some documents and scan receipts. I’m open to any product suggestions for going green.

What applications/software do you use to manage your time and to stay organized?

1 thought on “Going Green with Time Management”

  1. I really like evermore but I also use springpad cos it is a more visually appealing app

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