
The Light at the End of the Tunnel


Easter has always been my favorite Holiday.  While I didn’t always understand what it was about. I knew that Easter was the reason Jesus was born. It was later I learned that the death and resurrection of Christ began the dispensation of Grace those who believe live under.

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Romans 6:5 NIV For if we have been united together in the likeness of HIs death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of his resurrection…

There are areas in my life that the season is Spring full of anticipation about the new adventures. Other areas, the season is definitely winter: cold, dark with no sign of hope. One of my doctors this past week said I need a light at the end of my tunnel.

Tough decisions have to be made.  I cannot make those decisions until I die to my current situations.  There are times to let friendships die, old thought patterns die and my plan A. But when I let them die, I have the promise of resurrection of something new: the new me, the new thought, the new dream, the new plan. This is the hope of Easter and the hope of my relationship of Christ.

I hope this Easter season brings a renewal to your life.