“Heart pump Kool-aid” was a phrase my friends and I would use in college towards someone we knew was being a punk – especially during a game of spades or bid whist. It simply meant your heart was too weak to pump blood.
There are times when you don’t need a plan, or someone cheering you on. You don’t need to do more research, nor get approval of your friends. There will never be a “perfect” time to get started. These times you dig deep and JUST DO IT! Don’t get caught up in preparation and what others say you should do, those are ways your heart pumps kool-aid.
You’ll have critics along the way that will criticize how you are doing what you are doing, because they are skilled in making plans or they’ve done some research – but achieved nothing but the plans or research. Persistence and determination are magnets for critics as well as supporters. Revel in your battle scars from the hard lessons you’ll learn. Of course you’ll reflect on how you could have done it better. That’s why you’ll write that book and go on a speaking tour to share your wisdom.