In my mid-twenties, I came to the sad realization that I was a pathetic leader. I didn’t have a good people skills. I knew I needed to make a change. I was cutting through a discount book store near campus, when I saw the book “The Power of Followership” by Robert Kelly. I bought the …
Tag: Leader
The Rise of the Introverted Leader
The Introverted Leader’s Guide Part 3 The 21st Century will give rise to more Introverted leaders than we’ve seen in the past. This century’s leaders who will be recorded as the 22nd Century’s historical heroes will have 1 major common trait – the ability to focus. The speed of life has increased more than hundred-fold …
The Introverted Leader’s Guide Part 1
Introvert versus Extrovert I recently read Dr. Marti Laney’s book “The Introvert Advantage”. Excellent read if you are an introvert, think you are an introvert or an extrovert that leads/loves an introvert. Only 1 in 3 people are introverts. I’ve known for 15+ years I’m an introvert. But it’s only been the last 10 years …
“Prepping” Authority
Authority is often misunderstood by leaders and team members. Endless discussions about roles are a symptom of this misunderstanding. Authority has relativistic characteristics as well as some absolutes. How I’ve viewed authority is by considering the “preps”, that is prepositions, in front of authority. As a leader you can simultaneously be “in authority,” “under authority” and …